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This plugin is new and currently in beta. For the stable version, please use the previous version of the plugin.

Image Storage

With the Stripo Plugin, you have the flexibility to choose where all your images should be stored, and this feature is available for all pricing plans. While Stripo provides its own storage as the default option, you may prefer to use your own storage solutions for better control and management.

Please be advised that there might be a limitation to the use of the Stripo storage depending on the selected Plugin subscription plan. In order to have full control over the images used by your users in newsletters, we do recommend keeping them on your own file storage servers.

Default Stripo Storage

Stripo offers default storage for your images, but depending on your Plugin subscription plan, there might be some limitations. To have full control over the images used by your users in newsletters, it is recommended to store them on your own file storage servers.

Custom Storage Options

If you prefer not to use Stripo's storage, you can configure the Plugin to use any other preferred storage option. Below are the configurations for the Custom AWS S3 bucket, Azure Blob storage, Cloudinary, and your own server.

Custom AWS S3 Bucket

Custom AWS S3 bucket is a Plugin application configuration feature that allows you to easily connect your own Amazon Web Services S3 bucket to our Plugin for storing images.

If you choose this option, you’ll have to fill out a form to establish a connection with your storage. Please take a look at the image above to see the description of the form fields with specifications regarding the information required for each of them.

S3 bucket nameYesThe name you assigned to the bucket when creating it.
Access keyYesYou can provide AWS Root Account Credentials or IAM User Credentials (we recommend the second option for security reasons). The provided account must have the “Read” and “Write” access to the given bucket. More about AWS credentials.
Secret access keyYesYou can provide AWS Root Account Credentials or IAM User Credentials (we recommend the second option for security reasons). The provided account must have the “Read” and “Write” access to the given bucket. More about AWS credentials.
RegionYesAWS region where you created the bucket.
Base download urlYesDefine the path that will be specified at the beginning of each URL to the images hosted in your S3 bucket. For example, it may be your CDN domain name or any other address, depending on your server configuration.

Please make sure that the provided account has the Read and Write access to the given bucket.

Configuration of AWS S3 Storage

To create custom AWS S3 storage, you need to:

  1. Create an Amazon AWS account.
  2. Create an IAM user with S3 bucket permissions.

  3. Create IAM policy:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": [

    Please be advised that you should replace the bucketname value with the name of your bucket created in your AWS account.

  4. Assign the created policy to the IAM user:

  5. Create access key:

  6. Create the S3 bucket with a necessary custom name and in a necessary region:

  7. Choose Static website hosting and index document index.html:

  8. Set Bucket permission policy.

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": "*",
          "Action": "s3:GetObject",
          "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucketname/*"

    Please be advised that you should replace the bucketname value with the name of your bucket created in your AWS account.

  9. Use the example below to generate a Base Download URL:

    For example:
    • bucket - bucketname
    • region - eu-west-1 (Ireland)
  10. Deactivate Objects from the bucket permissions:

  11. Use the following items below only if the connection is not configured directly to the AWS bucket, but if nginx is used as a proxy.

    1. Add settings to web server, e.g., nginx: Optional

      location /content {
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '*';
        proxy_pass http://{{ S3_BUCKET_URI }}/;
        proxy_redirect off;
    2. Enter “YOUR_DOMAIN_ADDRESS/content” as “Base Download URL” when you configure the Plugin settings. Optional

Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob storage is a Plugin application configuration feature that allows you to easily connect your own Azure storage account to our Plugin for storing images.

To do so, you need to generate a connection string in your Azure portal account:

If you choose the “Azure Blob Storage” option, you will have to fill out the form to establish a connection with your storage. Please take a look at the image above to see the description of the form field with specification regarding the information that you will need to enter there:

Azure connection stringYesConnection string from your azure portal account.


Cloudinary allows you to manage, optimize, and deliver images seamlessly across different platforms. To store your images using Cloudinary, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Cloudinary Account.
    1. Visit Cloudinary's website and sign up for an account.

  2. Obtain API Credentials.
    1. Navigate to the "Programmable media" menu and switch to your Cloudinary dashboard to find your Cloudinary URL, API key, and API secret.

    2. At the top of the page, next to the "API Keys," you can find the cloud name. Copy it and paste it into the required field in Stripo while connecting Cloudinary.

    3. After, generate a new API key.

    4. Once generated, it will appear in the list of all API keys. Copy the API key and API Secret and pass them to our field in your Stripo account.

  3. Configure in Stripo
    1. In the Stripo plugin, go to the Image Storage configuration and select the Cloudinary option.

    2. Enter the Cloudinary URL, API key, and API secret.

  4. Test Your Configuration
    1. Upload an image via Stripo and ensure it is stored and accessible through your Cloudinary account.

Connecting Your Own Server

This option may be the best choice for you if you’re using another storage type or want to build a more custom and flexible solution to host your images. We created a way to connect the Plugin to a custom file system provider (via HTTPS protocol), allowing you to use the Stripo editor with your own file storage, no matter which technology you use.

It is required to support the set of the methods described below to provide successful communication between the two systems: the Stripo server and yours.

The Basic Authentication is used to send these requests, so please make sure that you have specified the correct Login, Password, and Base API URL on the Stripo Plugin details page of your Stripo account (if you don’t have an account, please sign up).

Note, that your storage must support chunked-encoding mode if you want to get logs about any request. See more here

OpenAPI Specification

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: Stripo Plugin Storage API
  description: |
    It is required to support the set of the methods described below to provide successful communication between the two systems: the Stripo server and yours.
    The Basic Authentication is used to send these requests.
    Note, that your storage must support chunked-encoding mode if you want to get logs about any request. See more [here](
  version: 1.0.0
  - url: https://{YOUR_BASE_URL}
    description: Base URL for API requests
        default: ''
      type: http
      scheme: basic
      type: object
          type: string
          description: Absolute URL to the document.
          type: string
          description: Document name.
          type: integer
          description: Document upload time in milliseconds.
          type: integer
          description: Document size in bytes.
          type: integer
          description: Document height in pixels (px).
          type: integer
          description: Document width in pixels (px).
          type: string
          description: Absolute URL of document preview thumbnail.
      type: object
          type: string
          description: Generated key for the folder.
          type: array
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/Document'
        - Methods
      summary: Get list of files
      description: Allows you to retrieve a list of files within specified folders. This method helps you manage and access your file directory efficiently by providing a comprehensive list of available files in the targeted folders, streamlining your workflow and file management within the Stripo platform.
        - basicAuth: []
        - name: keys
          in: query
          required: true
          description: Comma-separated list of folder keys.
            type: string
          description: A list of documents grouped by folder keys.
                type: array
                  $ref: '#/components/schemas/Folder'
        - Methods
      summary: Upload file to storage
      description: Enables you to upload an image to a specified folder in your storage. This method facilitates the organization and management of your images by allowing you to easily add new files to designated locations within your Stripo storage, ensuring your media assets are well-organized and readily accessible.
        - basicAuth: []
              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: Folder key where the file will be uploaded.
                  type: string
                  format: binary
                  description: Multipart file to be uploaded.
          description: Uploaded file details.
                $ref: '#/components/schemas/Document'
        - Methods
      summary: Remove file from storage
      description: Marks a file as removed, so it is no longer displayed within the folder for the customer. Physically, the file is not deleted from storage, ensuring data integrity and the possibility of recovery if needed. This method helps maintain an organized and clutter-free storage view for users.
        - basicAuth: []
              type: object
                  type: string
                  description: Absolute URL to the document.
          description: Successful deletion response.
                type: object
                    type: string
        - Methods
      summary: Get file info
      description: Allows you to retrieve detailed information about a specific file. This information helps your customers see useful details in the editor once the image is selected on the UI, enhancing their file management and editing experience within the Stripo platform.
        - basicAuth: []
        - name: src
          in: query
          required: true
          description: Absolute URL of the document.
            type: string
          description: Specific file information.
                type: object
                    type: string
                    description: Document original name.
                    type: integer
                    description: Document size in bytes.
  - basicAuth: []


keyGenerated automatically from the Plugin ID and the value specified in the Folder path field. For example, key=0000000_99999, where 0000000 is the Plugin ID and 99999 is the value set to the Folder path.
documentsAn array of the uploaded documents grouped by Key.
urlAbsolute URL to the document.
originalNameDocument name.
uploadTimeDocument upload time in milliseconds.
sizeDocument size in bytes.
heightDocument height in pixels (px).
widthDocument width in pixels (px).
thumbnailUrlThe absolute URL of the document preview thumbnail.

Please be advised that the keys for system images (used for a banner block, a video block, and module thumbnails) have different types than those described above. The keys for system images are as follows:

  • Video block: pluginId_[application_id]_video
  • Banner block: pluginId_[application_id]_banner
  • Module thumbnail: pluginId_[application_id]_modules

Where [application_id] is the Plugin ID of your application.